The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

This subject contains information from the "Lovecraft Circle" Myth Cycles, and while guided by HPL are not based on his work alone. This subject contains information from the Derleth Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Abbith, a.k.a. the World of Seven Suns, is a fictional planet that revolves around seven stars beyond Xoth. It is inhabited by Metallic Brains, wise with the ultimate secrets of the universe. Nyarlathotep dwells or is imprisoned on this planet.

Behind the Mythos[]

While the "world of Seven Suns" was referenced as the abode of Nyarlathotep by H. P. Lovecraft (HPL: The Whisperer in Darkness) and August Derleth (AWD: "The Dweller in Darkness"), the name Abbith was created by Lin Carter.

A place called Cytharion of the Seven Suns is mentioned by Lovecraft in "The Crawling Chaos". However, in spite of its title, that story doesn't feature Nyarlathotep.

In Carter's works, Abbith is also identified as a world revolving around Algol, which is the abode of Zvilpogghua in "The Feaster from the Stars". However, this identification only occurs in the revised version of the story, as published in The Book of Eibon. In the version published in the Crypt of Cthulhu magazine, the Algolian world inhabited by Zvilpogghua is instead identified as Ymar, whereas another story identifies it as Yrautrom.

In "The Thing in the Pit", Ymar is mentioned as being in the same star cluster as Abbith and Xoth.
