Arkham Tales: Legends of the Haunted City, also known as Arkham Tales: New Terrors Threaten Arkham, is an anthology of Cthulhu Mythos stories.
First published by Chaosium in July 2006, Arkham Tales was edited by William Jones, contains a total of 17 short stories and runs to 288 pages. The works contained within are all thematically linked by the city of Arkham created by H. P. Lovecraft.
- Introduction to Arkham Tales by William Jones
- "Mysterious Dan's Legacy" by Matthew Baugh
- "Vaughn's Diary" by Robert Vaughn
- "The Orb" by Tony Campbell
- "The Nether Collection" by Cody Goodfellow
- "Worms" by Pat Harrigan
- "They Thrive in Darkness" by Ron Shiflet
- "What Sorrows May Come" by Lee Clark Zumpe
- "Arkham Pets" by James Ambuehl
- "Small Ghost" by Michael Minnis
- "Burnt Tea" by Michael Dziesinski
- "Arkham Rain" by John Goodrich
- "Regrowth" by David Conyers
- "The Idea of Fear" by C. J. Henderson
- "Disconnected" by Brian M. Sammons
- "The Lady in the Grove" by Scott Lette
- "On Leave to Arkham" by Bill Bilstad
- "Geometry of the Soul" by Jason Andrew