The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

This subject contains information from the "Lovecraft Circle" Myth Cycles, and while guided by HPL are not based on his work alone. The Bolton Worsted Mills are fictional industrial facilities created by the late American author Howard Phillips Lovecraft for his 1922 short story "Herbert West--Reanimator".


A group of textile manufacturing plants in the fictional factory town of Bolton, Massachusetts, the Mills were located near Arkham (worsted refers to a type of cloth). They were the largest such mills in the Miskatonic Valley. The immigrant workers were described as a rough and tumble bunch, and enjoyed competing in secret boxing matches since the sport was outlawed in Bolton. One of the workers, a man named Buck Robinson, was killed in one of these secret matches. His body was used by Herbert West as a test subject for his experiments involving the reanimation of the dead. (HPL: "Herbert West--Reanimator")
