The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki
Brood (Marvel Comics)

🐙 The Brood are an insectoid-like extra-galactic race and cosmic horror element in the fictional universe of Marvel by Marvel Comics. They are very similar to Alien's Xenomorphs except with the added bonus of being sentient, having technology, possessing a civilization, and being a spacefaring species. They are one of the X-Men's most formidable foes and the antagonists of their classic space opera storyline "Brood Saga".


The Brood are a reptilian-like demonic insectoid race which reproduces by infecting sentient lifeforms with their eggs. An evil race which enjoys the suffering of their hosts and believe it's their destiny to conquer the cosmos. Known for enslaving races and working them to their death (including the sentient, miles long, faster-than-light whale ships called Acanti), and consuming them. Ruled by an empress, who is in constant telepathic communication with the 100s of hive worlds spread across the cosmos and the Brood Queens who rule the hives (some of which are super hives, controlling sectors of space). Though they are infamous for their living starships (the Acanti whaleships and the non-FTL fighter-like Space Sharks), they possess conventional technology including faster-than-light conventional starships, directed energy weapons, and computers.

