The Colour Out of Space Gallery is the collected images of the Colour Out of Space, an extraterrestrial entity originally appearing in the short story of the same name by H. P. Lovecraft in March, 1927.
The Colour Out of Space[]
As depicted by David G. Fóres in iLovecraft 2
As depicted by David G. Fóres in iLovecraft 2
Fallen meteor as depicted by David G. Fóres in iLovecraft 2
The Affected[]
Mutated pigs as depicted by David G. Fóres in ILovecraft 2
Mutated fox by Michael Bukowski
Mutated rabbit by Michael Bukowski
Mutated woodchuck by Michael Bukowski
Mutated squirrel by Michael Bukowski
Mutated woodchuck as depicted by David G. Fóres in ILovecraft 2
Mutated landscape as depicted by David G. Fóres in iLovecraft 2