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This subject contains information from the "Lovecraft Circle" Myth Cycles, and while guided by HPL are not based on his work alone. This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Commoriom is a city created by the late American author Clark Ashton Smith for his Hyperborean Cycle of short stories. H.P. Lovecraft alludes to the "Commorium myth cycle as preserved by the Atlantean priest Klarkash-Ton in his story "The Whisperer in Darkness".

Location & Description[]

Commorium is a Hyperborean metropolis located in the midst of a dense, primeval forest valley a days travel from the capital of Uzuldaroum. Although surrounded by thick vegetation, the city itself remains free from any overgrowth, as if the jungle itself fears to set seed there.

The city is built from granite and marble, "all a-throng with spires and cupolas and obelisks". At least some of the former citizens appear to have worshipped the toad-god Tsathoggua, as a temple to the Great Old One was discovered by the ill-fated explorers Satampra Zeiros and Tirouv Ompallios.


Although hundreds of years abandoned by the time of the events related in "The Tale of Satampra Zeiros", Commoriom was once the capital city of Hyperborea. It was abandoned after the coming of Knygathin Zhaum, a seemingly unkillable entity which terrified the population into moving and re-establishing their capital at Uzuldaroum.

Rumours abound of the treasures which remain in Commoriom, although few adventurers dare to venture there due to the equally well-circulated stories of the unearthly terrors which prowl its deserted streets.

Notable People[]

  • King Loquamethros, the Lord of Commoriom in its heyday.
  • Athammaus, the headsman, or high executioner.