Dark Things is an anthology of short horror fiction edited by August Derleth, published by Arkham House in 1971 and running to a total of 330 pages. It has not been re-released since its initial run, but a Japanese translation has been issued. All of the stories contained within Dark Things were new to this collection.
- "The Funny Farm", by Robert Bloch
- "The Eyes of Mme. Dupree", by P. H. Booth
- "'The Peril That Lurks Among Ruins'", by Joseph Payne Brennan
- "Napier Court", by Ramsey Campbell
- "Shaggai", by Lin Carter
- "The Dweller in the Tomb", by Lin Carter
- "The House by the Tarn", by Basil Copper
- "The Knocker at the Portico", by Basil Copper
- "Lord of the Depths", by David Drake
- "Omega", by Alice R. Hill
- "The House in the Oaks", by Robert E. Howard and August Derleth
- "The Singleton Barrier", by Carl Jacobi
- "The Case of the Double Husband", by Margery Lawrence
- "Innsmouth Clay", by H. P. Lovecraft and August Derleth
- "The Conch Shell", by Brian Lumley
- "Rising With Surtsey", by Brian Lumley
- "Company in the Orchard", by Francis May
- "'Beyondaril'", by John Metcalfe
- "The Manterfield Inheritance", by Charles Partington
- "The Storm King", by Emil Petaja
- "The Elevator", by James Wade
- "Appointment with Fire", by H. Russell Wakefield
- "The Rings of the Papaloi", by Donald J. Walsh, Jr.
- "Requiem for Earth", by Donald Wandrei