This is the gallery page for images of the Dunwich Horror. Originally appearing in H. P. Lovecraft's short story of the same name, the entity known as the Dunwich Horror has been expanded upon by numerous others in the decades following.
The Dunwich Horror, as it appears in Russell's Guide to Interdimensional Entities
The Dunwich Horror (Pathfinder)
The Dunwich Horror (Call of Cthulhu, French version)
The Dunwich Horror, by Hugh Rankin (Weird Tales)
The Dunwich Horror, by I. N. J. Culbard (The Lovecraft Anthology: Volume I)
The Dunwich Horror (Demonbane)
The Dunwich Horror and Kuuko (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san)
The Dunwich Horror (Cliffourd the Big Red God)