The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

This subject is written on a topic in the real world and reflects factual information. The Esoteric Order of Dagon amateur press association (EODapa) is an amateur press group very similar to those that first published H. P. Lovecraft.

EODapa was established in 1973 by Roger Bryant. Its focus is that of a fan group, concerning itself with both nonfiction research and fictional creations related primarily to the author H. P. Lovecraft and his circle, though also focussing on the wider weird and horror field of literature and film. EODapa has generated an enormous amount of material across the years. Copies of all quarterly mailings are deposited with the Lovecraft collection at the John Hay Library at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

EODapa still produces its zines and mailings in hardcopy form. The Official Editor issues an 'umbrella' zine listing the titles of the zines within a given mailing, the number of pages of each contribution, and the names and addresses of each mailing. Under Roger Bryant and Mollie Burleson as Official Editors, this zine was titled The Cry of the Cricket.

Lovecraft scholar and editor S.T. Joshi has been the Official editor of EODapa for over thirty years, with his 'umbrella' zine being titled Nuclear Chaos and his personal zine What Is Anything?
