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This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Gazira is a fictional monster created by Michael Dziesinski for Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu role-playing game.


Gazira is a colossal monster whose existence and activities the Japanese government has kept a secret, resulting that most believe it to be a fictional monster created by the media (known to the West as Gadzella). Nuclear radiation wakes it from hibernation, as does strong seismic activity. It's a courageous beast though not a particularly intelligent one.

After going on its rampage, Gazira returns to its hibernation site. Its rampages are covered up as the result of typhoons or earthquakes, with the locals generously paid off. It considers Japan to be its turf and will battle creatures which are of similar size, including various Great Old Ones. The being has the ability to exhale a column of radioactive fire. (EXP: Secrets of Japan)

Behind the Mythos[]

Gazira is a clear nod to the iconic kaiju Godzilla, with its nuclear and seismic plot devices being identical to those portrayed in the original run of films. Even the names Gazira and Gadzella are near-carbon copies of the real world names given to the creature (Gojira and Godzilla, respectively).
