Hanwell is the asylum where Delapore and Thornton where committed. (HPL: "The Rats in the Walls")
Behind the Mythos[]

Hanwell is a real world asylum.
Lord Dunsany mentioned it in ADJ: "The Coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap".
Hanwell Asylum's full title was the Middlesex County Asylum at Hanwell.
Hanwell was the first pauper lunatic asylum for the county of Middlesex. It opened in June 1831, originally to take 500 patients, but the building was enlarged in 1831, 1837, 1857 and 1879 to cope with the increasing demand for beds. In 1888 the Asylum had 1891 patients. Hanwell achieved great prominence in the field of psychiatric nursing due to the work of two of its first Medical Superintendents. Dr (later Sir) William Ellis, the first Medical Superintendent at Hanwell (1831-1838) introduced his idea of "Therapy of Employment", which encouraged patients to use the skills and trades which they had acquired before entering the Asylum, to occupy themselves, for the benefit of the Asylum and as an aid in their treatment by restoring their self respect and by reviving an aspect of their lives from before their illness. This diversionary therapy, intended to distract patients from the causes of their madness and reduce their emotional reactions, led to some cures and speedy results considered almost miraculous. However, there were also several cases where inmates, having armed themselves with tools as weapons, carried out atrocities on themselves and others. Work became closely supervised and "productive".
This was the forerunner of occupational therapy and industrial therapy. In time the system was somewhat abused and patient labour was used to provide some of the essential services of the Asylum, so reducing its running costs.
In 1889 the Asylum was taken over by the newly formed London County Council and became the London County Asylum, Hanwell. In 1918 it became a County Mental Hospital. In 1937 its name was changed to St Bernard's Hospital. From 1948 to 1974 it was part of the North West Metropolitan Region with its own hospital management committee. In 1974 it became part of North West Thames Regional Health Authority and was within Ealing Health District. In 1980 it was absorbed into Ealing Hospital and is now known as the Psychiatric Unit, St Bernard's Wing, Ealing Hospital. It still functions as a psychiatric and psycho-geriatric hospital for long stay patients. It currently has 950 beds.