🐙 Imagon is a Lovecraftian German-language novel by Michael Marrak which takes its cue from H. P. Lovecraft's 1936 novella At the Mountains of Madness. It was first published by Festa in a hardcover format as part of their H. P. Lovecraft's Bibliothek des Schreckens series in August 2002. It has yet to receive an English-language release.
“ | Grönland in naher Zukunft: Ausgerechnet der Geophysiker Poul Silis wird in die Arktis beordert, wo er doch Schnee über alle Maßen hasst. Er soll dort eine geheimnisvolle vorzeitliche Tempelstadt erforschen, die nach einem Meteoriteneinschlag aus dem Eis ragt. Doch es kommt alles anders: Schrecken werden lebendig, die älter sind als die Erdgeschichte. Translation: Greenland in the near future: Geophysicist Poul Silis, of all people, is ordered to the Arctic, where he hates snow beyond measure. There he is supposed to explore a mysterious ancient temple city that rises out of the ice after a meteorite impact. But things turn out differently: horrors that are older than the history of the earth come to life. |
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To be added.
Publication History[]
Since its first release by Festa, Imagon was reprinted by Bastei Lübbe in a paperback edition in May 2005.
- Author Michael Marrak provided the cover art for both editions of Imagon.