James Allison is a fictional character created by Robert E. Howard as the protagonist for a story cycle titled after him.
A Texan man living contemporarily to Robert E. Howard, James Allison has an extensive recollection of his past lives, some of which he narrates over the course of seven stories. In "Black Eons", a fragment completed by Robert M. Price, Allison discovers the reason for his anomalous memories and breaks the curse of reincarnation which was placed upon him by evil sorcerer Koth-Serapis during the Hyperborean age.
There follows a list of Allison's appearances by the year in which they were published.
- "The Valley of the Worm" (1934)
- "The Garden of Fear" (1934)
- "Marchers of Valhalla" (1972)
- "The Tower of Time" (1975) [completed by Lin Carter]
- "Brachan the Kelt" (1981)
- "Black Eons" (1985) [completed by Robert M. Price]
- "The Guardian of the Idol" (2003)
- As may be suggested by the image on this page, Allison's story was adapted by Marvel Comics for their Supernatural Thrillers #3 in January 1973.