The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

This subject is written on a topic in the real world and reflects factual information. This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Kthulhu Reich is an anthology of Lovecraftian fiction written by Ken Asamatsu and published by Kurodahan Press in January 2019.


World War II was a world-spanning conflict that engulfed dozens of nations, a maelstrom that dragged nations and religions and millions of people to their deaths.

But it was fought with more than merely guns and machines...

Even before the War was begun in earnest, Nazi Germany had sent expeditions to the darkest hiding places of the world: to shadowed Africa, to the towering peaks of Tibet, and even to the frigid wastes of Antarctica.

Their goal was to locate occult weaponry and "aid" for the glory of the Third Reich.

And they were successful.

But were those they sought truly allies? Or were they the old Gods themselves, waiting for their chance to remold the world of Man in their own image once again?

Asamatsu Ken presents another fantastic novel of the War, the Cthulhu Mythos, and humanity trapped in the middle.
~ Publishers description


  • "The Corporal's Self-Portrait"
  • "The Mask of Yoth-Tlaggon"
  • "In the Wasteland of Madness"
  • "April 20th, 1889"
  • "A Feast for the Children of the Night"
  • "Gigantomachia 1945"
  • "Dies Irae"