The L'gy'hxians are a fictional alien species created by Ramsey Campbell for his Cthulhu Mythos short story "The Insects from Shaggai". They were further developed by Chaosium in 1994 for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.
A race of metallic cuboids around three feet in height, the L'gy'hxians are extremely strong and physically dense creatures. Originating from L'gy'hx, known as Uranus by the human race, they are not a hostile species, once even sharing their home planet with the refugee Shan. However, after discovering the loathsome rites the Shan practiced in worship of Azathoth, the L'gy'hx evicted them from their world.
The L'gy'hx worship Lrogg, an avatar of the Outer God Nyarlathotep, and show their devotion to him by mutilating themselves in bizarre rites.