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This subject is written on a topic in the real world and reflects factual information. This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Nameless Horrors is a scenario supplement for Chaosium's seminal horror roleplaying game Call of Cthulhu. First released in 2015, a largely-unchanged second edition was published in 2023.


2015 Edition[]

The first edition was designed by Scott Dorward, Paul Fricker, and Matthew Sanderson, and ran to a total of 228 pages. It was published in both softcover and digital formats. This edition currently holds a middling score of 5.51/10 on [1].

2023 Edition[]

An updated second edition was released in 2023, credited to the same writers, with the main differences being new artwork, player handouts, and maps. Despite being an update, it claims a lower page count than the previous edition at only 202. Hardcover and digital versions both received a release [2].

Publisher Descriptions[]

The Cthulhu Mythos presents horrors far worse than mere death…

You won’t find any ghouls or deep ones, or other named Mythos entities here. The horrors found within have no names, but they are still very much of the Mythos. Your players will not have encountered their like before, and no one will be on safe, comfortable ground.

Nameless Horrors brings you six new scenarios that will frighten even the most experienced of Call of Cthulhu players, giving them reason to fear the unknown.
  • An Amaranthine Desire—The investigators find themselves in the doomed English seaport of Dunwich, encountering strange echoes of the night that sealed the fate of all who dwell there.
  • A Message of Art—The investigators are invited to attend the closing party of the Salon de la Rose + Croix, rubbing shoulders with the Parisian elite, while finding out that the cost of truly great art is sometimes death.
  • And Some Fell on Stony Ground—life in small-town America of the 1920s is not quite what it was for residents of Stowell. Local people are behaving strangely and events are escalating. Can the investigators get to the bottom of the mystery and survive before the entire town explodes in frenzy of blood and crime?
  • Bleak Prospect—residents of a shantytown in Depression-era Massachusetts find their community under assault from unknown forces. Who or what is preying on them? Will the investigators find out before those they hold dear are destroyed?
  • The Moonchild—David Barber was driven to make a terrible pact to save his son’s life, allowing a great evil to be unleashed upon a unsuspecting world. Drawn together by a mutual acquaintance, the investigators must work together or fall under the spell of the Moonchild.
  • The Space Between—What was planned as a fantastic new feature film is turning into the shoot from hell. The leading lady has vanished, the director has retreated from the world, and the police are sniffing around the set. It is up to the investigators to get the film back on track and share its vision with the world.

~ 2015 edition publishers description [3]

The horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos are far worse than death...

The entities lurking in this collection of scenarios have never been seen before. Whether budding novices or seasoned investigators, your players will find themselves on uncomfortable ground.

This new edition of Nameless Horrors contains brand new art, player handouts, and maps for each of its six stand-alone scenarios:
  • An Amaranthine Desire: takes place in the doomed seaport of Dunwich, England, 1895, where strange echoes of the past threaten the present.
  • A Message of Art: a gathering of artists in Paris, 1892, sees art and the occult come together in a dangerous fusion.
  • And Some Fell on Stoney Ground: 1920s small-town America, where trouble is brewing that could sweep everyone up in a wave of death and destruction.
  • Bleak Prospect: Massachusetts, 1932, during the Great Depression the residents of a shantytown face strange horrors that jeopardize all they hold dear.
  • The Moonchild: modern-day England, where an experiment with the occult casts long shadows and brings unforeseen consequences.
  • The Space Between: in modern-day Los Angeles, the star of a film produced by a popular religious organization has vanished.

~ 2023 edition back cover text [4]


Main article: Nameless Horrors/Gallery

