The Orocoran are a species created by Paizo Inc. in 2017 for the supplement Starfinder: First Contact of the role-playing game Starfinder. It is an intelligent race, indigenous to Aucturn for uncountable time.
Its appearance is that of a large wingless mosquito. They have excellent senses. Although they cannot speak, they understand the languages spoken in the planet. They weigh about 68 kilos (150 pounds). Although they can stand almost two meters upright, they prefer to crawl on all fours.
Culture and Society[]
Orocorans are the most numerous indigenous creatures on Aucturn. They are semi-intelligent predators. Orocorans do not have sex and reproduce by sharing genetic information with their tongues, nailing them to their torsos. Subsequently, they lay splinted eggs on ichor parts torn from Aucturn's skin and leave the site. Whilst they can be found in the Citadel of the Black (albeit in small numbers), most are often seen extracting the black ichor that flows through Aucturn's veins with their proboscis tongue. This ichor is also a psychotropic drug that leaves them drowsy. They can often be found scattered where the veins are larger, either defending them or lying next to them in an ichor-induced stupor, which they call the "womb mind". During the time that they are in this dream state, they believe that they can communicate with the planet's gestating consciousness and receive vague prophetic advice from the planet.
When they are not dreaming, they are irritable and unpredictable when suffering from withdrawal syndrome. Lazy by nature, they make little or no effort to create a civilization, except if forced by more powerful races or the rare Orocoran Ichor Lords. Due to their drug-addled lifestyle, orocorans are seen as little threatening nuisances because its members are often drugged and isolated. However, they can release vomit containing the black ichor, causing hallucinations. They also pose a threat when gathered in large swarms.
Orocorans shun the Suppurating Scarp, bearing an ingrained fear of the tiny wriggling worms that occasionally squirm out of the cliff to plop into the pus pools below. Orocoran rumors hold that a fresh corpse submerged in the pools of pus and left undisturbed for 11 days rises again as a horrid amalgamation of bloated yellowish worms bearing the creature’s memories but none of its kindness or mercy.
The Ichor Lords[]

Although the higher faculties of most members are impaired by their addiction and they do not use their telepathy to communicate, ichor affects the intellectual capacities of one in every thousand individuals, giving them greater intelligence, cunning and magical powers.
In a mix of avatars and priests, they create direct channelers into the mind of the sleeping world and their divine duty to organize and rule the Orocorans. The goals vary between lords, but are always related to securing their power and comfort, as well as building massive fortresses or graceful monasteries near ichor supplies. They dominate the Orocorans with brutal magical power and monopolizing the ichor which, needing it fresh, means that their kingdoms do not extend beyond the veins and that their influence ends where the veins sink into the earth. The truth is that one of these lords could unite a tribe of about 10-20 individuals on a specific objective, but attacking a superior enemy or with better defenses would quickly disunite them, unless it was a famine.
All recognize the authority of Carsai the King and see him as the prophet of their god, referring to him as the "First Dreamer". Although they can use the technology of other races, they prefer to attack with the fluids of their stomachs, waiting for the minds of their adversaries to be altered before drawing their blood with their tongues.
Several lonely, ruined fortresses atop the Twisting Peaks have been claimed by a cabal of Orocoran mystics known as Hunger-Enders. More powerful even than the ichor lords, they all died from gorging upon the black ichor, rising as undead creatures. Although they are no longer addicted to the substance, they distill the substance into concentrated forms in their underground chambers, overseeing vast swarms of orocoran aspirants that hope to sample the refined stuff. These aspirants live austere lives as slaves to the Hunger-Enders’ whims. The Hunger-Enders are willing to negotiate with strangers to obtain the rare alchemical components the distillations require in exchange for ancient relics found beneath the mountain fortresses.