Potowonket, Maine is a fictional town created by Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Winifred V. Jackson as the setting for their short story "The Green Meadow".
Located somewhere on the east coast of Maine, USA, Potowonket is described as a "small seaside village". On August 27, 1913, a meteorite landed in the waters off its coast. When the meteor was dredged from the ocean, it was found to contain a journal, written in Ancient Greek, that related the astonishing tale of a man adrift in the cosmos.
The fishing party that dredges the meteorite from the ocean floor consists of John Richmond, Peter B. Carr, and Simon Canfield; it is Canfield who comments that the object resembles "a piece of slag." The "local scientific authority" is Richmond M. Jones, who identifies it as "an aerolite or meteoric stone"; it's Jones who discovers the manuscript embedded in the "semi-metallic mass," and retains possession of it.