The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

This subject is written on a topic in the real world and reflects factual information. This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Sarah Newton is a traditional games designer, author, and editor based in France, whose works focus on the science fiction and fantasy genres. She is perhaps best known for her Mindjammer property, which explores transhumanism in a distant future setting [1]; since the original novel's publication, it has been developed into an award winning roleplaying gameFor two separate games systems [2].

Newton was also the author of the Zero Point campaign supplement for the Call of Cthulhu horror roleplaying game, a pair of books which launched the Achtung! Cthulhu setting, and were the catalyst for the foundation of traditional games manufacturer Modiphius Entertainment. Her Lovecraftian short fiction has been included in anthologies such as Cubicle 7 Entertainment's tie-in collection World War Cthulhu [3].

Selected Bibliography[]

Roleplaying Games[]

Short Fiction[]

  • "Nightmares and the Price of Dreams" (2013)

External Links[]


  1. "About" page at the Sarah Newton website
  2. Mindjammer at the Mindjammer website
  3. Publication: World War Cthulhu at the Internet Specularive Fiction Database