The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

...other beings with wider, stronger, or different range of senses might not only see very differently the things we see, but might see and study whole worlds ...which lie close at hand yet can never be detected with the senses we have. - HPL: From Beyond

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This subject contains information from the "Lovecraft Circle" Myth Cycles, and while guided by HPL are not based on his work alone. This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Shaggai, also known as "Chag-Hai", is a planet orbiting a binary system with green suns. It was covered by thick inhabited jungles and dark seas. It was home to insects called the Shans, as well as a mysterious being known as "The Worm that Gnaws in the Night". According to Robert Blake, it is in the depths of the cosmos, even deeper than Yuggoth. However, it could somehow be reached by beings from other worlds, as related in the Book of Eibon by Eibon himself.

Shaggai was first mentioned in "The Haunter of the Dark", first as the name of a famous short story by the protagonist Robert Blake, and second in Blake's diary as so: "What am I afraid of? Is it not an avatar of Nyarlathotep, who in antique and shadowy Khem even took the form of man? I remember Yuggoth, and more distant Shaggai, and the ultimate void of the black planets..."


Shaggai orbited one of the two binary blue stars in a system located in Andromeda. Because of the peculiar gravitational forces at play in Shaggai's binary system, only two planets were able to form there: Shaggai and Xiclotl. These two planet's orbits are filled with dust and asteroids, which filtered the light from the two blue stars, making them appear as green as emeralds.(EXP: Delta Green: Countdown)

Due to the gravitation forces of the binary system, Shaggai has a complex orbital path, wobbling axis and drastic temperature changes, making life nearly impossible. The thick acidic atmosphere prevents almost all lights from reaching the surface, only allow X-rays and gamma radiation emitted by the twin stars to pass through, causing the surface to frequently build up and release static electricity in the form of lightning. (EXP: Delta Green: Countdown)

The landscape of Shaggai was terrifying: black sea formed by plasma, deserts covered by glass particles, crystalline purple mountains and forests with dense vegetation.


The simplest life form on Shaggai is a black "sea", either a complex organic compound or a single protoplasmic organism. From the deep volcanic vents at the bottom of this sea that more advanced life forms were born. One of the life form to develop enough to reach the surface was the Shan, which feed on the radiation generated by the binary stars. (EXP: Delta Green: Countdown)

Eons before the Shans first crawled out of the seas, there was a civilization on Shaggai that had erected cities consisting of pyramidal buildings made from green minerals unknown to Shaggai. They had long since departed or extinct. (EXP: Delta Green: Countdown)


In 592 A.D., Shaggai was destroyed by the Outer God Ghroth. (EXP: Delta Green: Countdown)

Current state[]

Its current existence is in doubt due to an orbital shift, possibly caused by the collision of Ghroth, which brought Shaggai dangerously close to its stars. The planet began to be bombarded by massive doses of radiation. This destroyed the atmosphere, wreaking havoc on most native beings and forcing evacuation by the Shans. Millions of years passed until the appearance of new forms of life resistant to this damaging energy.


  • In the Digimon Tamers anime, Shaggai is one of the programs used by the Hypnos system (along with Yuggoth) to control and eliminate any problem derived from the Digital World that concerns the real one.