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This subject contains information from the "Lovecraft Circle" Myth Cycles, and while guided by HPL are not based on his work alone. The Spawn of Dagon, also referred to as the Children of Dagon, are an ancient species which first featured in Henry Kuttner's short story of the same name.


Worshipers of the Great Old One Dagon, Kuttner described the Spawn thus:

Their faces were hideous staring masks, fishlike in contour, with parrot like beaks and great staring eyes covered with a filmy glaze. Their bodies were amorphous things, half solid and half gelatinous ooze, like the iridescent slime of jellyfish; writhing tentacles sprouted irregularly from the ghastly bodies of the things.

They were said to have control over earthquakes, but proved to be vulnerable to the light emitted by the wizard Zend's red sphere which drew power from the stars, their bodies dissolving into puddles of slime upon exposure.


Dwelling upon the Earth long before the rise of man, the Spawn of Dagon existed when the planet was covered by nothing but ocean. Jealous of the races which followed them, viewing them as usurpers, they spent the aeons working to ensure that no civilisation stood above the waves. Many of them were killed by Zend and his red sphere during a battle on the long-lost continent of Atlantis, although it is unknown if they were wiped out in their entirety.


  • Although Kuttner refers to the Spawn as "a race which had not sprung from human or even earthly loins", there is no evidence that Dagon is an extraterrestrial creature.