Tesla vs Lovecraft is a video game released in 2018 for PC by 10tons Ltd. It is a top-down shooter inspired by the creatures of the Cthulhu Mythos. The player controls Nikola Tesla as he tries to secure the Wardenclyffe Tower from H. P. Lovecraft and his hordes of eldritch creatures.
The player will battle with various creatures from Cthulhu Mythos (e.g Deep Ones, Shoggoths, Flying Polyps, Fire Vampires, Spiders of Leng) as well as some new creatures designed by developers (e.g. Awakener, Eldritch Tentacle) while possessing an armory consisting early 20th century weapons (Colt M1911, Thompson Submachine gun) as well as sci-fi weapons (e.g plasma gun, ray gun) as well as a battle mech and various upgrades.