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Like a great, glistening mass of putrid whitish jelly was Father Ubb, and his squat and quivering trunk supported naught but a swollen and rounded head wherein drooled and quivered ever a pink-rimmed, obscene orifice lined with triple rows of adamantine fangs.
~ Zanthu (EXP: "The Thing in the Pit")

This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Father Ubb, or just Ubb, is a fictional monster created by Lin Carter in his Xothic Legend Cycle, where it is portrayed as the lord of the yuggs, and identified as one of the Lesser Old Ones.


A large, aquatic entity similar to a chthonian, Ubb is pale gray and slug-like with a large mouth full of horn-like teeth, ringed with tentacles. Ubb dwells in the cold fastness of the Pacific Ocean, with the rest of his race, the Yuggs. The Yuggs are said to guard their gods, the Great Old Ones Ythogtha and Zoth-Ommog, whose tombs, legend tells, lie in the Abyss of Yhe and at the bottom of an abyssal trench near the island of Ponape, respectively.
