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The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

This subject is written on a topic in the real world and reflects factual information. This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. Under A Winter's Snow is a short scenario supplement for Chaosium's Mythos roleplaying game Call of Cthulhu.


The effects of the Great War and the 1918 Pandemic are still felt in the small town of Eisner, North Dakota, both metaphorically and literally.

A short, one-night Classic Era scenario for use with 7th edition
Call of Cthulhu. This scenario may easily be transported to other locales known for cold and snowy winters, other time periods, or both, with minimal effort on the part of the Keeper.

Death & Disease in North Dakota

Sections 1-3: Introduction covers the backstory of the scenario and gives four methods of bringing investigators to the remote, snow-shrouded town of Einer, ND. It also details the core themes of the scenario, and provides suggestions on how to incporate them into the game.

Sections 4-6: Arriving in Town has the investigators arrive and begin investigating the mysterious illness that has afflicted the town's residents. These sections detail several locations and many of the residents of Eisner.

Sections 7-9: The Climax and Aftermath closes out the scenario, depending on the Investigators actions in the preceding sections.
~ Publisher's description

Consisting of a complete one-off scenario set in North Dakota with all of the necessary handouts and maps, Under A Winter's Snow also contains a new monster and spell. Running to a total of 20 pages, it was published by third-party content creator Stygian Fox in February 2020.
