The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

At first glance, the vile fungus seems to be a collection of mushrooms. Their color and outline, however, constantly appear to change, so that the observer cannot focus properly on them and suffers from visual defects. Dead earth, on which nothing grows, surrounds their location in a radius of several meters. Black shadows creep around them like dark smoke screens, and fungoid filaments crawl over the floor or hang down if the fungus grows on a ceiling, to loop themselves around a human, whispering, rasping, smacking, endlessly distant and quiet.Warm, soft, and sticky blackness.
~ Michael Siefener , Beschwörungen

This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly. The Vile Fungus is as a kind of parasitic life form first appearing in Michael Siefener's 1995 novelette Beschwörungen. In the 2006 edition of the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game supplement Malleus Monstrorum, it is mentioned that the fungi originated from Yuggoth and spread through the cosmos with the Mi-Go. The vile fungus can infect any organism it comes into contact with, mutating the living flesh into fungal tissue.


The fungi's infection is very similar to William Hope Hodgson's 1907 short story "The Voice in the Night".
