The H.P. Lovecraft Wiki

This subject contains information from the Expanded Cthulhu Mythos, and not based on H.P. Lovecraft's works directly.

Vitas Varnas is a character who appears in numerous Cthulhu Mythos role-playing games and supplements. He first appears in Pax Cthuliana and then in the Call of Cthulhu supplement The Sassoon Files. Vitas is usually portrayed as an eccentric character that helps characters either with hints or assets.


Pax Cthuliana

Appearing in London 1927, he is first encountered at the Celopatra's Needle obelisk where he helps guide the investigators with hints, either direct or vague, to discovering the Yellow Sign on it. Later throughout he continues to help guide them as well as free them from prison if needed. It is suggested that he could be an avatar of Nyarlathotep.

The Sassoon Files

In 1920's Shanghai, he's an actor with an interest in the occult and seeks adventure. He comes to Shanghai in hope of raising funds for his cinematographic masterpiece and build his network, and whilst there practices his art at the Great World Amusement Arcade. He gains critical acclaim for his vaudeville act "Arin & Danny - The Two Grumps" where he plays the role of Arin and his co-star Lauri O'Malley as Danny, which gains the attention of businessman Victor Sassoon. Victor pitches his idea to collaborate with Vitas on making a movie and through Victor he's able to access the secret occult scene in Shanghai.

Other appearances


  • Vitas Varnas is based off the real-life actor, producer and writer of the same name.[2]



External links

External wikis
