Yaddith is a fictional planet created by the late American author Howard Phillips Lovecraft.
Yaddith is described in "Through the Gates of the Silver Key" as "a dim, fantastic world [with] five multi-coloured suns, alien constellations, dizzy black crags, clawed, tapir-snouted denizens, bizarre metal towers, unexplained tunnels, and cryptical floating cylinders." It is also inhabited by the burrowing Dholes.
In the works of Lin Carter, Yaddith revolves around the star Deneb (EXP: "The Horror in the Gallery", "Dreams in the House of Weir"). Conversely, Lovecraft places Yaddith is in a quintuple star system located in another galaxy, millions of light-years away from Earth (HPL: "Through the Gates of the Silver Key").
Carter also identifies Yaddith as the dwelling place of the goddess Shub-Niggurath, who is worshiped by both the tapir-snouted Yaddithians (which Carter refers to as the "Nug-Soth") and the Dholes.
Eons ago it was inhabited by the Nug-Soth, creatures with traits similar to mammals, reptiles, and insects. The Nug-Soth sought a way to prevent the destruction of their planet's crust by the Dholes, but to no avail. Eventually, the Dholes overwhelmed them and destroyed the Nug-Soth's civilization. Survivors of the catastrophe escaped, however, and hid on various planets.
Notable Residents[]
- The wizard Zkauba is native to Yaddith.
In Popular Culture[]
- The climax of the 2019 film Color Out of Space (an adaptation of the short story) features a vision of an alien planet overrun by huge worm-like creatures which may represent Yaddith and the Dholes.