Zindarak, also known as the Fiery Messenger, is a fictional entity created by American author Llewellyn M. Cabos for his 1982 Cthulhu Mythos story "Dr. Dexter".
According to the Necronomicon, at the appropriate time in the appropriate year, Zindarak will arrive on planet Earth to release Cthulhu from his prison so that he may rise from the ocean to cause the death of humanity and take over the world. However, this can only occur when the stars are aligned, as nearly happened in 1982 (EXP: "Dr. Dexter").
Zindarak's true alignment is unknown. It's believed that he is a representative of the Fire Vampires, a pyrokinetic race of alien beings that serves one of the Great Old Ones known as Cthugha. Other scholars believe he is a servant of the Outer God named Ghroth, which flies past the planets in different corners of the universe and, as a result of its voice, awakens any of the Old Ones nearby. So, Zindarak is likely to working on behalf of his masters.(source?)